Bankston Enterprise

Business Development - Leadership Training - Mentorship 

We’re A Family Owned Business

Leading With A Purpose

My Story


Shawn Bankston Jr. is a real-life superhero but he always gives all credit to his mother and father for instilling values in him and his heavenly father! He faced tough times at a young age when his mom fought 3rd stage lung cancer therefore he couldn't pursue his dream of playing NFL football and care for her. But instead of giving up, Shawn became super determined to accomplish a Freedom lifestyle.

He didn't take the easy road. Nope! He said, "I'm gonna learn everything about business and make our family middle class in honor of my late grandfather Thomas Holmes!" So, he worked super hard and learned from really smart business owners in his town and in different states. This was a genius plan!

In November 2011 Shawn founded Bankston Enterprise, under which he's becoming a master at starting businesses all across America, speaking on stages, coffee shops or conference on entrepreneurship! Shawn is amazing because he never stopped believing in himself, even when things were really hard. He's a hero who teaches us that with a strong mind and never giving up, dreams can totally come true!

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬

Our Mission & Purpose

Our mission is to reach anyone looking to take control, take lead, and take ground for their future. Providing education & resources to communities who lacked opportunities is a passion. We believe everyone desire to be rewarded fairly and abundantly for their talents but without the knowledge and connections the gap will remain. We close that gap by empowering a handful of people with a true desire financially independence from debt and peace of mind.

Business & Leadership Development


In this digital age, the Internet and A.I. technology allows companies like Uber Eats, DoorDash, Instacart, Airbnb, Amazon, Walmart, eBay and AliExpress to service Direct-To-Customer without visiting physical storefront.

The U.S. e-commerce market will reach over $1.1 trillion in sales in 2023 - Commerce Statistics Of 2023

Okay so what does this mean for you? 

Today the market is looking for creative entrepreneurs, well networked individuals or just everyday people with customer service skills create awareness for brands in new markets throughout the USA and International (Canada).

In simple terms, we are paid to connect our loyal customers with high-quality product brands off their shopping list leveraging internet E-commerce. Keeping the money in the family.

Bankston Enterprise has invested years in one of the fastest growing and accredited business education systems in North America. Now we offer a business curriculum that provides hands-on coaching and trainings on “how to start a small business, leadership, sales, customer services, generational wealth, networking & people skills, time management, team building, professional etiquette etc.” We welcome anyone regardless of their age, educational background, race or spiritual belief.

The qualities we’re looking at

Desire to own their own business. 6 out of 10 people in American wants to start but not everyone is fit for entrepreneurship

Capacity to invest time into a new opportunities on a part time basis.

Appreciation and genuine gratitude for access to our resources, time & money into your career.